Hulk, by Joe Bennett

Joe Bennett was born in Brazil. He has worked for most big publishers in the US market: Marvel, DC, Vertigo, Dark Horse, Devils Due, Chaos!, Now and Continuity. He first big assignment was 'Ravage 2099' for Marvel in 1994. He has worked on several of Marvel's 'Spider-Man' titles in the mid-1990s, such as 'Amazing Spider-Man', 'Sensational Spider-Man', and 'Spider-Man Unlimited'. He has also drawn 'Captain America', 'The Incredible Hulk' and 'The Falcon'. At Dark Horse, he has cooperated on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. In 2004, he went to work on DC's 'Hawkman' title. Among Bennett's othercredits are 'Green Hornet', 'Conan', 'Nova', 'X-51: Machine Man' and 'Birds of Prey: Secret Files 2002'.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, by Joe Bennett

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