Road Runner, by Gino Scott

Gino Esposito Scott was born to Italian parents in Port Said, Egypt. The family returned to Italy in 1956, where Esposito completed his grammar school. He began his comics career in 1964, when he created the 'Gatto Silvestro' comic for Editrice Cenisio. He drew this series for about 10 years, and it was also published in France by Sagédition. He joined Luciano Bottaro's Bierecci studios in the late 1960s, and assisted the artist on several Disney comics published in Topolino magazine of the publishing house Mondadori. He began doing his own stories directly for Topolino in 1972. Also for Mondadori, he drew stories with Hanna-Barbera characters in L'Intrepido in the early 1970s, and then joined Il Mago magazine with the series 'Petrullat' and 'Operazione Terra 2222'.

Cucciolo, by Gino Scott

In 1977, he joined the Staff di If and illustrated Italian stories with 'Silvestro', 'Braccio di Ferro' (E.C. Segar's 'Popeye') and René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo's 'Astérix', as well as a comics version of 'Remi' (based on the Hector Malot character) at the publishing house Epierre. In 1980, he began a cooperation with the French publisher Edi-Monde, doing several Disney comics for Le Journal de Mickey. In the early 1990s, he did stories with Warner Bros characters, 'James Bond Jr', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', as well as his own series 'La Colossea' in Corriere dei Piccoli. He returned to Walt Disney Italia in 1993, doing numerous illustrations with movie characters and stories for Minni & Company and Paperino.

Minni, by Gino Scott

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