comic art by Angelo Torres

Angelo Torres began his career in the early 1950s, assisting his studio mate Al Williamson on EC titles such as 'Valor' together with Frank Frazetta and Roy Krenkel (known as the "Fleagle Gang"). He also contributed to the Atlas mystery and western titles in the late 1950s. For Gilberton, he contributed to 'Classics Illustrated', among others, and for Feature Comics, he was present in Sick during the 1960s.

Blazing Combat Quiz by Angelo Torres
Blazing Combat Quiz from Blazing Combat #2 (January 1966)

Torres became a star with his contributions to the Warren titles Eerie, Creepy and Blazing Combat between 1964 and 1967. Angelo Torres was able to successfully warp his realistic style as one of Mad magazine's mainstays since 1969, creating caricatures and movie parodies for almost 40 years. In addition, Torres has worked as an illustrator for magazines like Esquire. In the 1990s, he did a promotional comic called 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure' for DC Comics.

He was one of several veteran comic authors to contribute to Matt Groening's 'Bart Simpson Treehouse of Horror 11' (2005), along with John Severin, Al Williamson, Mark Schultz, Len Wein, Berni Wrightson, Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan.

Creepy's Loathsome Lore by Angelo Torres
Creepy's Loathsome Lore (Creepy #5, October 1965)

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