El Rinoceronte Andres, by Mikel Valverde

Mikel Valverde has drawn for several publications of Tbeos Kopón, and has published frequently for Habeko Mik, as well as TMEO, Ipurbeltz, El Vibora, Makoki and La Luna. For Habeko Mik, he drew his first long story, 'Tisarako Misteroia' in 1991. He has published works like 'La Aventura de la Vida' (El Pregonero, 1995), 'El Comisario Canaille' (TMEO, 1998) and 'Las Aventuras de Jon Arkasuso: El Botín de los Gánsteres' (SM, 2001). He has done illustration work for Gara, as well as the series 'El Rinoceronte Andrés'. Valverde has also illustrated for El Pais, El Diario Vasco. He has participated in collective projects like 'Los Felices 85' (1985) and '15 a la Vez' (1986).

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